Monday, August 21, 2017

8/21/17 Sancerre

We have been in Sancerre for one week.  We arrived in Paris on 8/11/17 and travelled here by train the next day.  We are about two hours outside of Paris in the Loire Valley.  It is beautiful here and the weather has gone from rainy and cold our first few days, to warm and sunny.  John is enjoying his classes.  We have met some very nice people both in the village and at the school.  Al and Joanna Miller (from Quail Creek) arrived Saturday. They are still a little jet lagged. We saw them briefly at a school get together on Saturday, but they haven't surfaced since then. We are having dinner with one of John's fellow students, Kelly, and her husband tomorrow night.  She is from Charleston and we love to hear her say, "Bon jours, y'all"! Here are some photos we took around the village:

John at front entrance of school

One of the lovely village homes.

Back view of the school which is about a two minute walk from our apartment.

The village is very small and our apartment is located above a pizzeria.  A really good pizzeria!

The narrow stairway up to the second floor.

Pizzeria below - our apartment above!

The grand entrance.

Our living room.

The tower behind our building as seen from our little patio.

The view down the street from our living room window.  The school is down this road about 2 minutes by foot.

There are quite a few little shops in town, but no grocery.  We have to go down the hill to Saint-Satur to the Super Marche.  We are going to rent a car next weekend for our last two weeks here to do a little sightseeing and to allow us to make some quick trips to the next village. 

The bakery is amazing!

Many choices salt at the local cookery store.

Cats everywhere! B would love it!

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