Thursday, April 18, 2019

4/17/19 Musee Granet

Today we went to visit the Musee Granet which is right next door to St. Jean de Malte.  There was a photographic exhibit from the 1950's that we heard about on Aixcentric.  We found a lovely little Tea Room for lunch and then spent a pleasant time viewing the exhibits.

Interior of tearoom. The patio is through the french doors.  Lucky to have a nice enough day to eat outside.

Musee Granet:


The artist, his wife, and daughter:

Collection courtesy of the the University of Arizona!  Small world!

Appropriate for Holy Week:

In the neighborhood - The fountain of the 4 dolphins which was being renovated when we were last here.  They did a magnificent job.  We have pictures from 2012 in which it was impossible to see any of the details. Perfect now!

Saint Jean de Malte:

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