Monday, November 11, 2013

CANNES (Day 2)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Enjoyed a nice sleep in and treated ourselves to a room service breakfast.  Very elegant!  Glorious day!  Sun shining and temperatures in the 70's.  The TripAdvisor website recommended a walk up to the old town.  There is a cathedral at the top with spectacular views of Cannes and the coast.  So up we walked.

Definitely Worth the Effort

On the way down we stopped at one of the few restaurants open in the old town - Auberge Provencale.  Had a nice chat with the owner who visits the US quite regularly.  Her next trip is to New Orleans and we assured her it would be a fun place to visit.  Lunch, as usual, was exceptional. MANY celebrity photos on walls.

Peach Champagne and Tampenade

After lunch we walked back to the hotel to pick up our bag, passing many, many fine and exclusive shops.  It is really a lovely city and we can understand why it is such a tourist destination.  We tried to imagine what it would be like during the film festival in May.  Understatement Alert: Much tougher to get a table in a restaurant or a room at a hotel during that time.  The rest of the Summer, right through the middle of September is their high season, and you can tell that in the Fall everyone is very relaxed and almost relieved to see the crowds gone.

Back to the train station and "home" again to Aix.

A little excitement back at the apartment.  They were holding a political rally in front of our building at the head of the Cours.  It seems the mayoral race is coming up.
View From Bedroom Window

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