Monday, November 11, 2013

Sanary Revisited

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A beautiful sunny day in Provence!  We decided to take the short train trip to re-visit the seaside town of Sanary-sur-Mer.  We arrived at about 10:30 am at the tiny train station just east of town.  Not a taxi or bus in sight.  We were fortunate enough to run into someone buying a ticket who lives in the town and who offered to give us a ride (who said the French were standoffish and unfriendly!?!?!).  What luck! Our new best friend turned out to be a computer programmer who moved to Sanary with his wife five years ago.  They fell in love with the area after a visit and were happy to leave the cold northern part of the country.  

Thursday is the big market day in Sanary.  After a fortifying cup of espresso...

...we were off to shop and explore.

The Market

Saint Nazaire:

The walkway by the sea:

The local shops:

The town square:

The park:

A lovely walk up into the neighborhood above the main town:

The chapel at the top of the town:

What a beautiful spot!  This definitely is where we want to spend some time when we next visit France.

After our long day of sightseeing, we treated ourselves to a wonderful lunch by the sea at Restaurant L-Esplanade.

Carrots, Black Risotto, and Dourade

Lemon Gateaux (John)

Cafe Gourmand (Ginny)

All With a Fabulous View!

Our train was a bit delayed on the way back to Aix, so we had a little time to rest up and look at our photos.  Two tired little travelers arrived back in Aix. 

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