Thursday, November 16, 2017

11/14/17 Tuesday in Aix

John discovered a lovely little restaurant on one of his walks.  We have been by several times, but it has always been closed.  During the off-season it is only open for lunch.  Today - success!  The doors were open and in we went. Le Millefeuille!

Best Belle Helene ever!

That evening we had tickets to a concert at the Grand Theatre de Provence - just across the street from the apartment we stayed in with Branaugh two years ago, and a fifteen minute walk from our current apartment.  The Orchestra de Chamber de Paris under the direction of Francois-Frederic Guy performed Beethoven's piano concertos #3 and 4.  Amazon Music has hundreds of pieces performed by Guy.  We were so lucky to be able to get tickets as it was a one night only performance.  John said it was the best concert he has ever attended!

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