Friday, November 17, 2017

11/16/16 John Takes a Hike

Per JDL:  

Just for fun, I hiked from Aix up to the Celtic archeological site of Entremont. (Oppidum is the Latin word for hilltop village-- so the walk of about 4 miles was uphill every step of the way.)  Eerie to think of all that happened here.  It overlooks the plain where Marius claimed 150,000 Gallic warriors  killed, along with an equal number of women and children who committed suicide rather than be taken as slaves.

What's left of the rampart around the village from about 700 B.C.

The houses were actually timber, so only the foundations are left.

Mount St. Victoire, which is named for the Roman victory over the Celts.

That's Aix down in the Valley.

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