Sunday, September 17, 2017

9/10/17 Market Day in Amboise

It's Sunday morning and a big market day in Amboise.  We went down to the river to see what they had to offer.

Turn right at the "Owl Fountain" and down the hill to the market.  Although it was cloudy and rainy, there were many people and no end to the stalls.

This is one of many vegetable stalls:

Clothes, soap, and baking utensils:

Our granddaughter, B, would love all the baking doodads...

...not to mention the vintage tchotchkes:

Fresh fish and not so fresh cheese:

 Everything beautifully displayed:

 Plenty big "plat" of polenta:

After the market, we stopped for lunch at a cafe across the street from the castle.  Since it was a chilly day, each chair had a little blanket to keep you cozy and warm.

The warm apple tart helped too!

With apologies:

Mon amour next to shining armor:

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