Sunday, September 24, 2017

9/13/17 Chateau Amboise

Today is the day we tour the Chateau Amboise.  It is windy and a bit cold and the forecast calls for rain. Perfect weather for viewing this castle.  From our cottage it is about a 10 minute walk.

Steps from street to entrance of chateau:

A big "thank you" to Dr. Smith for making it possible for me to do this:

Chateau Amboise:

Great Room:

Reception Room:

Beautiful stained glass windows that line the length of the main hallway:

Firewood basket to end all firewood baskets:

 Coat of Arms - Francois I (the salamander):

This is a little plaster detail on the ceiling of the main hallway.  John thinks the head of the figure looks like Bozo the Clown. Now that I take a good look...

Chapel where Da Vinci was laid to rest:

Frieze over door of chapel:

Max 2013:                                                                   John 2017:

View of Village of Amboise from wall of chateau:

After a tough afternoon of sightseeing, stopped by Bigot for a snack:

Then took a walk down the pedestrian street for some window shopping:

First I've seen of this shade for Le Creuset.  I LOVE it!

These dishes are made in the region.  They are gorgeous!  The ones pictured are bottle coaster size (about 5.5 inches in diameter).  Every design under the sun.  Could kick myself for not picking some up!

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