Wednesday, September 13, 2017

9/9/17 Amboise!

We arrived in Amboise this afternoon.  It was a beautiful drive west from Sancerre.  We avoided all toll roads, instead taking the scenic route through many tiny and not so tiny villages.  The countryside was beautiful, changing from vineyards to corn and onions, and then to sunflower fields as far as the eye could see.  The sunflowers were well beyond their prime, but still lovely to imagine what they must have looked like a month-and-a-half ago.

Lunch at Romarantin at La Belle Epoque!  Leonard Da Vinci was in the process of re-designing this town before his death.  The king of France (his patron) was at one time planning to move the capital from Paris to Romarantin, but abandoned his plans after Leonardo's death.

The village of Amboise is divided by the Loire River with the castle and tourist areas on the south side, and the train station on the north side.

The cottage we rented is really lovely.

Steps down to street (the red gate has a beautiful flower box on the front):

View from top of steps (note GIANT butterfly landing on roof):

Back Deck:

Our view from back deck:

The small front yard:

Already right at home!

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