Friday, October 18, 2013

Au Revoir Paris!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Up fairly early to finish packing and make our way to the Gare du Nord to catch the EuroStar to London.

John and Max in the Courtyard of our Appartement

The train to London was uneventful.  Pouring rain in Northern France, twenty minutes in the "Chunnel" and then more of the same to St. Pancras.  Beautiful train station. Very romantic!

Train Station at St. Pancras

Our Eurostar Train

Arrived very much on time and then onto South Kensington via taxi.  I miss the old fashioned taxis where the driver gives you a non-stop narrative on the sights along the way.  Nowadays the driver is isolated behind a glass barrier.

We arrive at the flat.  Very elegant and seems so large compared to our tiny flat in Paris.  We (OK - just me) unpack and get settled in and then off to find a pub for dinner and a bit of football for the boys.  Find just the spot and settle in for an evening of English food (yikes!) and some testosterone.


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