Friday, October 4, 2013

Rodin and Rue L'eclair!

Last evening we had dinner at our favorite restaurant - The Cafe Renoir - where Max had his first taste of escargot! 
First Snail Ever!

While initially he was not that impressed, he did end up having three and asking if we were planning on ordering more.  Sadly, "Max" the chef's dog passed away this last year, so we missed his cheerful little presence.  

Played "Shanghai" back at the apartment for a couple of hours and then off to bed.  We had a spectacular thunderstorm in the middle of the night that woke us all up. The lightening rivaled the display at the Eiffel Tower.

We had breakfast today at the apartment and then headed off via the Metro to Rodin's Garden.  It was a beautiful warm day - just perfect for viewing the magnificent sculptures.  The roses were still in bloom and somehow they have managed to pipe in music throughout the garden.  Max - "Am I crazy, or are the trees singing?"

Le Penseur
Max and Le Penseur
Another famous and fabulous sculpture:

Max and John at the Gates of Hell

After the garden we walked over to the Rue Cler for some window shopping, lunch, and people watching.  Stopped at the best chocolatier in Paris and saw the infamous Rue Cler eclair!

After resting up a little this afternoon, we plan to stroll over to the Pantheon and check out the student cafe scene. Dinner at Guy Lessac and then hopefully get to sleep early.  We are going to a SciFi Fair tomorrow (not our idea!) and will need to have our wits about us in the land of the nerds.

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