Sunday, October 27, 2013


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Finally have the time to see some sights!  We decided to take the train to Marseille this morning.  The Aix Centre Station os a lovely 10 minute walk from our apartment.  Along the way we passed the Calissons factory.  Beautiful!

Calissons Factory and Tea Room

Calissons are the little "smile" shaped candies that are made from almond and fruit paste. They have been made in Provence - particularly in Aix - since around the mid 15th century. The are packaged beautifully and lavishly which I believe is their greatest appeal.

The train to trip to Marseille is about forty minutes. We arrived to perfect provencal skies and views of the Mediterranean.

Trying to Find the Way to the Port

View from the train station to the port:

We were able to walk from the station to the seaside, passing many beautiful buildings, busy cafe's, and lovely churches.

Marseille's "Brown Palace"

France's Most Beautiful Starbuck's

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Wandered around the port, drooling over the beautiful sailboats and yachts.  Very vital area. Lots of people milling about and many children.  Definitely a strong north-African influence.

Had another wonderful lunch by the sea:

Then decided to take a cruise from Marseille to Cassis to view the coast and the calanques (fjords).  Spectacular trip!

Our Boat - the Helios

Marseille from the Sea

Jet Skier "Surfing" in the Wake

Tall Limestone Cliffs 

One the way back to the train station we ran into the "Bison of Health".


We are planning a return visit to see the new cultural center and visit the Notre Dame de la Garde cathedral.  Much too much to see in one day.

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