Saturday, October 12, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

It is our second to the last day in Paris. We decided to catch up on a few things that Max had yet to see.  First we went via Metro to the Arc de Triomphe.  Max was eager to climb the 300+ steps to the top.  I was not.  In my defense, I did do this last year! While the boys did the climb I waited patiently in a beautiful little cafe off the Champs Elysee, sipping on wine and snacking on escargot.  Life is tough here in Paris.

Max enjoyed the trip up but lost count of the steps.  Beautiful views.
Arc de Triomphe

View From the Top

Later that afternoon we strolled down the Champs Elysee. The window display at Yves St Laurent was stunning.

We went in search of the Georges V - John's Mom and Dad stayed there in the 60's on their world tour.  Finally managed to locate it (very difficult - everything is called the Georges V something or other) and toured the beautiful lobby, courtyard, bar and restaurant.

Went back to the apartment and downloaded the Godfather I and II.  Max had never seen it believe it or not. Was so much fun!  Stayed up way too late but well worth it.  Sent John out for more wine and snacks.  French potato chips rock!

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